Friday, October 17, 2008

What to do With Used Aluminum Foil and Zippered Plastic Bags

Since I've made an earth promise to drastically cut down on my use of aluminum foil and zippered plastic bags, I not only save money, but am helping lessen the impact of the already over-flowing landfills. I'm a member at, where they provide an easy way for people to make, track and keep promises about actions that will benefit the earth. This community is a caring and positive voice for the environment. You should definitely check it out.

Every so often, though, I do need to use aluminum foil and zippered plastic bags. They are both easily recyclable!! Aluminum foil (a.k.a. Tin foil) is made of aluminum, not tin. So, if possible, rinse off, wad it up and throw it in with your bottles and cans. For those zippered plastic bags, (i.e. Ziploc), just cut off the top zippered portion, rinse out, and toss in with your other plastic items.


Eric said...

Great tips! Thanks a lot! Have often wondered what to do with both aluminum foil and used plastic bags. Will definitely start doing this. Thanks again.

Bergland said...

So glad I could help you out. I, too, learned that I needed to cut off the tops of the zippered part ofthe ziploc!!!!

Unknown said...

I work with and we upcycle those foil packages into new products, thus avoiding the resources used to recycle the items. If you collect 10 foil 12-16 oz coffee packages, please email me your mailing address and I will send you a postage paid envelope in which you can mail them back to be used in other products. Thank you