Friday, November 7, 2008

So You Thought Milk and Juice Cartons Went in With the Paper?

Every time I finish a carton of milk or orange juice, I check the side of the fridge for my handy "Remember to Recycle " information magnet: Yellow bin is for newspapers, magazines, catalogues, phone books, corrugated cardboard. The Blue bin is for the plastics (#1-7), aluminum cans, glass bottles and jars, aluminum foil, pie pans, drink boxes and milk and juice cartons. But aren't those cartons made of paper or cardboard? Wouldn't I just have to remove the plastic spout?

I did some research as to why these cartons get mixed in with the plastics. Planet Ark gave a straightforward explanation: the two types of cartons (Gable Top Cartons and Aseptic Bricks) both have a layer of plastic and/or foil. Well, that makes sense! To get more detailed information about the how's and why's of recycling milk and juice cartons, visit,

(An important note I must add: I am quite fortunate to live in an area that takes almost all items to recycle. If your community does not recycle milk and juice cartons, please contact your local recycling center and find out why. Remember, the squeaky wheel gets the grease!)

If you are interested in gathering some ideas about how to reuse these cartons, visit sites such as

For other great recycling ideas, be sure to check out one of my favorite sites,

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